Who is Match Alliance?
MATCH Alliance, is a tailored and personalised b2b networking group in Melbourne established for the sole purpose of connecting like-minded senior people to generate limitless business opportunities. Through business networking in Melbourne, you will be able to generate new clients, get better deals for the operational cost of running a business. With our b2b networking group, you can build your business network connections with businesses all over Melbourne.
Benefits of Membership
Our annual membership investment has the following business networking opportunities for b2b in Melbourne:
- 5 Qualified Personalised Referral (QPR) generating networking breakfasts, in Melbourne with 12-14 Alliance Members
- 3 Major business networking events to build your skill set and meet the wider membership group
- Access to the database of Alliance members and personalised networking meetings facilitated by our Membership & Operations Manager
- A one-on-one session with our Chairman and his LinkedIn
MATCH Alliance is for business owners or key people in decision making roles looking to build their network in Melbourne. Applicants are tested on the ethical and quality standards set out by the Alliance, targeting businesses that are up and running and ready to take their organization to the next level with b2b networking.
Become a part of a new b2b networking group with Match Alliance.
What Do We Do
Since our inception in July 2015, MATCH Alliance has provided our members with unique business networking experiences and events that increase their business opportunities to meet new people so they can make the connections to grow their organisation through collaborative partnership and valuable business opportunities in Melbourne.
What Our Members Say
Find out why businesses from all over Melbourne are joining Match Alliance. With unique and engaging business networking events in Melbourne that will help grow your business and take it to the next level what are you waiting for? Become a part of a new networking group with Match Alliance.